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Date: 10/24/2023
Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am

Please join Jen Monkiewicz, MADSIF Fund Administrator, for a webinar to learn about MADSIF’s loss control services, compliance benefits and cost-savings.This webinar will provide great information for those looking into workers’ comp options. It’s also a nice refresher for current participants and staff members to ensure you are benefiting from all the services available.

Tuesday, October 24 at 9:00 am > > REGISTER

In the early 1990s, the Michigan Automobile Dealers Association (MADA) partnered with Michigan dealers to form an elite workers compensation group and called it MADSIF. The program supports your MIOSHA compliance requirements and offers unmatched service and price advantages to its dealer members. In fact, a number of dealers who previously left for commercial workers’ comp carriers have recently come back!

MADSIF members, not policyholders, receive FREE MIOSHA-required compliance training, 28% back in surplus, and 23% claims cost savings.

This is a high-level loss prevention program that was developed by Michigan dealers, and continues to be guided by Michigan dealers.

Please join us for an informational webinar to learn more.

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