Cross Sell Logo


The industry’s most respected resource for automotive market data and reporting. Cross-Sell tracks new and used vehicle title/registration data in 30 states, providing comprehensive monthly reports that are custom-made for each dealership’s unique market. Our powerful auto industry reports detail sales by VIN, Make, Model, Owner City, Owner ZIP, Dealer Seller Name, Dealer Seller ZIP and Lienholder (where allowed by state). Call us at 866-369-5870 to get a detailed look at your local market, or click here for a Free Rank!

Armatus Logo

Armatus Dealer Uplift

Armatus Dealer Uplift is the industry leader specializing solely in Retail Warranty Reimbursement submissions with over 10,000 approvals in 50 states with 29 manufacturers. Armatus is endorsed/licensed by 20 state Automotive Dealer Associations nationwide and has been instrumental in consulting on new retail reimbursement legislation in 14 states.

ACV Auctions logo

ACV Auctions

Historically, buying and selling wholesale vehicles is time consuming, expensive and loaded with risk. Our 20-minute online auction provides immediate access to thousands of dealers while delivering trusted, ACV-backed vehicle condition reports.

Zurich logo


Offering F&I systems, products and training.  Zurich is a ‘direct writer’ of GAP /T&W /VSC /Coatings and vehicle marketing products. Menu/iPad (GenY) F&I selling systems. In-store, off-site and online training & validation for processes, effectiveness, compliance and retention.  Multiple reinsurance options.

Reynolds and Reynolds logo

Reynolds and Reynolds

MADA’s preferred source for business forms.  Founded in 1866 as a business forms printing company, Reynolds and Reynolds has been serving the automotive market since 1927.

Legal Shield logo


Offering legal services, financial monitoring, identity protection and restoration benefits can reduce employees’ stress and improve job performance. With over 50 years in business and over 40,000 corporate clients in the US, LegalShield can help keep your employees’ minds and bodies on the job.

IGS Energy

With 30 years of experience in the energy industry, the IGS family of companies provides natural gas, electricity, solar, LED lighting solutions and alternative fueling options to over one million customers across the country. As the preferred energy partner to the MADA, IGS is focused on helping members make the best energy decisions for their business.

Dearborn National logo, a subsidiary of health care services corporation a mutual legal reserve company

Dearborn National

Competitive rates and in-force life discounts; guarantee-issue amounts with no medical underwriting.


CAPTRUST Financial Advisors

CAPTRUST’s Clarkston team has been serving Michigan-based auto dealerships since 1989 providing fiduciary advice to auto dealers across the country to help them, and most importantly, their team members manage their retirement plans/accounts more effectively.

American Fidelity logo, a different opinion

American Fidelity Assurance Co.

When it comes to helping protect your employees by offering supplemental benefits, it’s best to partner with a company who has the expertise in your field and understands your needs. We consider it a privilege that thousands of employees have put their trust in us. Consider American Fidelity for a different opinion.